Occulto Compilation #6

Supplement to Occulto 6: Life. The sixth selection of new experimental music from Italy compiled by Onga of Boring Machines for Occulto, featuring Marta De Pascalis, Hermetic Brotherhood of Lux-Or, Polonius, Camilla Pisani, Rainbow Island, Vivien Le Fay, and more.

Occulto Compilation #5

Supplement to Occulto Issue h. The fifthselection of new experimental music from Italy compiled by Onga of Boring Machines for Occulto, featuring Dream Weapon Ritual, Adamennon, The Great Saunities, Luigi Pugliano, and more.

Occulto Compilation #4

Supplement to Occulto Issue δ. The fourth selection of new experimental music from Italy compiled by Onga of Boring Machines for Occulto, featuring Father Murphy, Heroin in Tahiti, Everest Magma, Petit Singe, and Paul Beauchamp, among others.